E-commerce Live Chat Development

This live chat was developed for the e-commerce platform. Through the chat, communication between online store visitors and the support team could take place.

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A software development company.


E-commerce, Web development




  • Front-end: Angular, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS/CSS3, HTML/HTML5, Webpack.
  • Back-end: Node.js, MongoDB.


A software development company.


The customer came to us with an idea to develop an e-commerce live chat.


This live chat was developed for the e-commerce platform. Through the chat, communication between online store visitors and the support team could take place.

The chat allows a visitor to:

  • Receive qualified assistance
  • Leave feedback

The chat provides the following features and opportunities to the support team:

  • Discover who is currently on a specific page of the site. Based on this information, start an appropriate dialogue with a potential buyer.
  • See and analyze the history of messages with visitors to the online store, identify these people (for example, by a page from a social network), then use this information for sales purposes.
  • A set of different templates for the operator’s response
  • Several levels of support (e.g. redirecting visitors to the online store, their distribution between operators, etc.)
  • Support for various messengers (e.g. WhatsApp, Skype, Facebook chat, and others) for the convenience of the operators.

The chat also contains a trigger system that automatically sends a message via chat with an offer to buy something when a visitor to an online store performs certain activities on a site.


The customer is highly pleased with the project results — he got a multifunctional e-commerce live chat.

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