Streamlining Fish Auctions Data through Integration with Customer CRM System

The client presented us with the challenge of integrating their web-based financial system with the Norwegian fish auction houses, namely NRS and RSF. The goal of this integration is to streamline the data collection process from the auction house systems and convert it into transactions.

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A Norwegian company that provides rental equipment (fish containers) and services to support the seafood industry in the North Atlantic region.


Rental & Logistics


Rental & Logistics


Azure Functions, Azure Data Factory, .NET6, Azure Blob Storage, MS SQL Server, Entity Framework.


A Norwegian company that provides rental equipment (fish containers) and services to support the seafood industry in the North Atlantic region.


The client presented us with the challenge of integrating their web-based CRM system with the Norwegian fish auction houses, namely NRS and RSF. The goal of this integration is to streamline the data collection process from the auction house systems and convert it into transactions that can be seamlessly integrated into the customer’s system. This would not only ensure a more efficient and accurate transaction process but also provide the customer with valuable insights into their financial operations.


Through our collaboration, the Enginerasoft team seamlessly integrated with the fish auction systems, creating a comprehensive tracking mechanism for the movement of fish containers. This integration facilitates automatic transaction creation in the customer financial system while displaying container usage charges. Such integration has revolutionized the process and made it much more efficient.

The NRS and RSF organizations conduct fish auctions and utilize their own applications to record all transactions, including those involving customer containers. Leveraging the provided endpoints, our developers seamlessly integrated the data from the fish auction applications into a centralized table stored on the customer’s backend system. This was made possible through the use of Data Factory.

Auction house systems and customer CRM systems have their own unique terminologies. In this project, a crucial task was to organize data received from external systems according to the customer’s model. To achieve this goal, we developed a mapping function that enables administrators to link company, product, and site names (such as office and vessel) from the auction systems with corresponding names in the customer’s system. With the mapping function in place, data integration between the two systems becomes seamless. Once all the matches have been made, the system generates transactions automatically.

The transaction that was generated has already been marked as ‘Delivered’ in the customer’s system. This transaction includes important information such as shipping and delivery dates, the auction house involved, the number and type of containers used, and logistics details (the origin and destination locations and contact information), which are crucial for tracking and managing the transportation of the fish products.

This project boasts not only captivating business logic but also cutting-edge technical solutions. Our team leveraged Azure Data Factory to extract data from various systems and unify it into a single, organized view.  In addition, we utilized Entity Framework to enable database access. To ensure longevity, we migrated the entire project to .NET 6, a well-supported and stable solution.


Our team was working diligently on this complex integration project, leveraging our expertise in web development and CRM systems to deliver a robust and reliable solution that meets the provided business requirements. We delivered a high-quality product that exceeded the client’s expectations and enhanced their business operations.Overall, our advanced technical solutions were a key factor in the success of this project. With Azure Functions, Azure Data Factory, Azure Blob Storage, and Entity Framework, we have created a robust system that delivers unparalleled performance and scalability.

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